photo by MKMVisualz
My background
My name is Eva Koornstra. Helping people is the common thread in my life. After my studies, I had a successful career, including working for 14 years as a manager for a UN organization. I left this life behind to follow my heart.
Due to the challenges in my life, I entered a path of personal and spiritual growth at a young age. It taught me to live from acceptance and to follow my feelings and intuition. This eventually led to supporting others on their life path.
Besides my work as a therapist in my own practice, I work in a clinic for people with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
My way of working
It is my passion to guide people on the way (back) into themselves, so that they can reconnect with their authentic self and live a purposeful life.
The people I help are very diverse. What they often have in common is that they are hindered in their lives by old beliefs and patterns, are not fully in touch with their emotions and intuition, wish to live in ‘the moment’ or have a good life, but still experience unrest or a certain emptiness.
In my work, I combine western with eastern science and psychology and spirituality come together, without it being ‘woolly’.
My working method is honest, personal, lovingly direct and focused. I work with what presents itself in the moment. I listen without judgement and hear, see and feel more than what is said, so that deeper layers can be touched.
My education
My work motivates me to keep developing myself as a person and a therapist. I have completed the following studies and courses:
- Traumatic grief, ARQ Academy
- Imaginal exposure, ARQ National Psychotrauma Centre
- Dialectic Behavorial Therapy, ARQ National Psychotrauma Centre
- Counselling Psychology, Stichting Counselling Nederland
- Spiritual Partnership, Arthur Findley college
- Exposure therapy, Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapy
- Inner Child Therapy, CIVAS
- Basic Psychosocial Skills, Con Amore
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Rino group
- Higher states of consciousness, Phoenix Fellowship
- Trance mediumship, Arthur Findley college
- Counselling, CIVAS
- Healing & Awareness, Levenscollege
- Art of Breathing, Art of Living organization
- Vipassana meditation, Dhamma organization
- Communication & relationships training, Tandoo trainings
- Beyond doubt, Essence trainings
- Essence & Source training, Essence trainings
- Law studies, Leiden University
- Social & Cultural Science, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
- Social Work, Hogeschool Rotterdam